Grade K - 12 (Age 5 - 18)

Accelerated Spark Online

After a class has been completed, please use this form to request a new course.

Accelerated Spark believes in limitless learning! Their competency-based courses provide a world-class education that fits perfectly into any education plan, allowing students to enjoy the freedom of learning at their own pace. Accelerated Spark Online provides:

  • Interactive Learning: Engaging and interactive lessons spark curiosity and encourage active participation, making learning enjoyable and effective.

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: An extensive range of courses covers all subjects, ensuring a well-rounded education for students from the comfort of their own home.

  • Expert Teachers: Experienced educators bring passion and expertise to every virtual classroom, ensuring each child receives the best instruction possible.

  • Personalized Support: A dedicated team is here to support students every step of the way, offering individualized attention and guidance.

Parents have real-time access to student progress. Additionally, a licensed mentor and content-level graders support each student. The mentor offers coaching, guidance, and motivation. Graders provide timely and meaningful feedback on assignments and tests—allowing students to master the content and move forward at their pace.

Spark Information Video

Accelerated Spark Online Elementary contains core courses in Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies and fun electives using LEGOs and Minecraft for grades K-5.

Accelerated Spark Online Secondary contains over 100 courses for grades 6-12.

23-24 Course Catalog

Note: Courses with an * indicate they are available to diploma-seeking students.

Demo Accounts

Elementary Spark Demo

Secondary Spark Demo

Username: student.demo

Password: ilovelearning1


Q: Will my student have a teacher to grade assignments, projects, tests, etc?

A: Yes! Accelerated Spark Online includes a certified teacher and grader for each course who will help the student progress successfully.

Q: Does Accelerated Spark Online have built-in assessments at the beginning of each course to determine where to begin?

A: Yes! Every course has a pre-assessment to help the student know where to begin.

Q: What if my student completes their Accelerated Spark Online course earlier, can they move ahead?

A: Students may complete as many Accelerated Spark Online courses as possible during the year or semester but may not request a new course until they have completed the current course.

Contact us

If you have questions, please reach out!