Grades 5-12 (Ages 10-18)
Photography Club
This club will be offered in October and February.
February sign-ups begin January 27 at 9 am MT / 8 am PT.
Click here to sign up.
Photography Club will meet on Tuesdays at 11 am MT / 10 am PT.
This club will meet on February 4, 11, 18, and 25.
Click here for the February Club Calendar.
Are you a current or aspiring photographer? Join our club! We will be discussing photography skills and sharing our photos with each other.
Membership Requirements
This club is for students in grades 5-12.
Be kind and courteous. Always use appropriate language. No hate speech or bullying. (See OpenEd Community Guidelines in Parent Link Article 6.2.)
Contact us
If you have questions, please reach out!