
One of the requirements of our personalized distance education program is to participate in all mandatory state tests. Tests are administered through the student’s School of Enrollment and proctored by a OpenEd representative. Some tests are available via online proctoring in your home, while others are hosted on a local computer with in-person proctoring.

All students are required to to take the corresponding tests listed below. Visit the Utah State Board of Education website for more information on all assessments.

Review this chart for a list of state tests by subject and grade level:

Grade    Required TestsMonth
KReading, Math (Acadience)Aug/Jan/May
1stReading, Math (Acadience)Aug/Jan/May
2ndReading, Math (Acadience)Aug/Jan/May
3rdReading, Math (Acadience)Aug/Jan/May
3rdEnglish Language Arts and Math (RISE)Mar/Apr
4thEnglish Language Arts, Math, and Science (RISE)Mar/Apr
5thEnglish Language Arts, Math, Science, and Writing (RISE)    Mar/Apr
6thEnglish Language Arts, Math, and Science (RISE)Mar/Apr
7thEnglish Language Arts, Math, and Science (RISE)Mar/Apr
8thEnglish Language Arts, Math, Science, and Writing (RISE)Mar/Apr
9thReading, English, Math, and Science (UT Aspire Plus)    Mar/Apr
10thReading, English, Math, and Science (UT Aspire Plus)    Mar/Apr
11thACT College Entrance ExamMar

As State law requires, an opt-out form for your School of Enrollment is available. Students in grades K-11 will have access to this form when they submit their OpenEd schedule. If you need to change your status after submitting the schedule, please contact assessments@mytechhigh.com.

Contact us

If you have questions, please reach out!
